Women Don’t Get the Same Feedback as Men and It’s Hurting Their Advancement

Women Don’t Get the Same Feedback as Men and It’s Hurting Their Advancement

“Get the specifics across – tell me one thing you’d like me to do next week that we can both see that I could do better. The actionable is the easy answer. The harder answer is, tell me what it really means to be a successful leader in an organisation. Show me what that looks like – write it down, point me to it, I want to understand it. Get that clarification around what it really looks like. If you don’t even know what you’re looking for and you’re saying I’m not doing it – then it starts to become pretty obvious what is going on here.”

Dr Laura Hamill

Organisational Psychologist and Chief Science Officer at the Limeade Institute

Women Don’t Get the Same Feedback as Men and It’s Hurting Their Advancement
Women Don’t Get the Same Feedback as Men and It’s Hurting Their Advancement